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Join the Father Michael J. McGivney Guild

Jan 30, 2007 Brother Knights:

I am passing on this message I received to you (slight edits made) and I hope that you will consider joining the Father Michael J. McGivney Guild


Bill Ward

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In light of the recent publication of the biography "Parish Priest: Father Michael McGivney and American Catholicism" by Douglas Brinkley and Julie Fenster, it is time to "beat the bushes" and have every brother Knight enroll in the McGivney Guild. You, in turn, should enlist family members, friends and co-workers. Devotion to Fr. McGivney has become an important part of our identity as Knights of Columbus.

Some Knights fail to understand the nature and importance of the Guild. One of its chief goals is to further the awareness of the spirit of Father McGivney outside the circle of the Knights of Columbus. As the Holy See considers the materials we have already presented, we have an obligation to share the example and inspiration of Father McGivney with our seminarians and priests, our relatives, friends and neighbors.

We must preach Father McGivney's reverence for human life and the sacredness of the Christian family far and wide, especially to the young. Nor can we forget that both beatification and canonization require miracles. The Guild exists to receive reports of such events and to follow up these reports with careful investigation. It is true that we have already presented one reported miracle to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and we await the judgment of theological and medical experts. If not accepted as miraculous, we will have to begin again to investigate reported favors and healings. The work of the Guild is far from finished.

You must be committed to further Father McGivney's cause. In the attachment/link below you will find some a Guild application form. I ask that at you complete this and send it on to the Guild office in New Haven. No fee is required to join the Guild. The materials of the Guild are not directly aimed at members of the K of C, but to the wider community of the Church. This gives you resources to be used in extending the message of Father McGivney far and wide.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation, and feel free to contact the Guild office if we can help you in any way.

Gratefully in Christ,

Rev. Gabriel B. O'Donnell, O.P.

McGivney Guild Application

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