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2007 Virginia Knights of Columbus State Bowling Tournament

Apr 28, 2007 Dear Brother Knights,

The Brothers of Holy Family Council #6831, located in Leesburg, VA, are honored to host the 2007 annual Knights of Columbus State Bowling Tournament. The tournament will be held on April 28th and 29th, 2007 at Dranesville Bowl America located at 46940 Woodson Drive, Sterling, VA 20164. Included in the package is a registration form and tournament rules. Info regarding the bowling center, directions, hotels, and local churches will be provided to team captains with registration confirmation.

For more information download the tournament information brochure at http://dd18.org/uploads/2007BowlingAnnouncement.pdf.

To register, please fill out the registration form from the package or obtain from the VA KOFC website http://www.state.kofcva.org/PDF/2007VASTBowlingRegistrationForm.pdf.

The registration form must be received by the Tournament Director no later than April 2, 2007. Mail directly to tournament director.

The Brothers of Holy Family Council are looking forward to hosting this annual tradition. The Bowling Tournament will surely build up the ties of fraternity to continue to strengthen the Order! Have a great time and keep the balls rolling and the gutters dusty!

Please pass this email along to your councils.

James Green
District Deputy 18
Be Not Afraid

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