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400th Anniversary Celebration at Jamestown

May 11, 2007 Message from Ron Gorman, State General Program Director

Brothers ALL,

At the March Meeting I mentioned the opportunity for the Knights of Columbus to participate in the 400th Anniversary Celebration at Jamestown. Here [linked below] is the information on Volunteering.

[Event is May 11-13, 2007]

Review the material and determine if you can participate. My approach would be to have the Knights of Virginia man up 1 or 2 of the Lots. This would require possibly 50 people. Depending on how many volunteer we could make the shifts shorter than stated. You can sign up for some other positions if you see one you like. In any case the details come after we know how many will sign up and on what day.

Please respond to me I’ll keep a tally and let everyone know what is going on as we move closer.
Ron Gorman
State General Program Director

Flyer and Information on The Event and Volunteering

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