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Join the Knights

Table of Contents

What is the KofC
Our Council
What do YOU get out of this
Time Commitment
Next Steps
Who can be a Knight
Aims of the Order
Enrollment Contact


Christopher Columbus / Father McGivney Collage

What is the KofC

  • Formally

    • Catholic
    • Fraternal (Men)
    • Benefits (Insurance)
    • Society
  • Informally
    • Catholic
    • Family-oriented
    • Charitable
    • Organization

Our Council

  • Over 350 registered members
  • Charity - over $2500 in local donations
  • Fund Raising
  • KOVAR - Around $20,000
  • Christmas Tree Sales
  • Fairfax City Fall Festival
  • Special Events

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  • Minimum Requirements
    • Practical Catholic in Union with the Holy See
    • Male
    • 18 or Over
  • Other Requirements
    • Dues = $10 per quarter
    • Initiation Fee = $15 one time

What do YOU get out of this?

  • Meet other Parish members and their families
  • Participate in Charitable Activities (to benefit the Community)
  • Increase in Your Faith
  • Receive Monthly Magazine and Newsletter
  • Benefit from the Insurance Program
  • Wife may patrticipate with Auxiliary ("Columbiettes")

Time Commitment

  • Overall
    • You can get as involved as you want and as your schedule allows
    • That said, the more you get involved the more you will get out of it
  • Meetings
    • 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
    • Other activities as announced or scheduled

Next Steps

  • Fill out an application
  • Meet with the Admissions Committee
  • Take your 1st (Initiation) Degree
  • Get involved
  • Take your 2nd and 3rd Degrees to achieve Full Knighthood

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Who Can Be A Knight?

Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to practical Catholic men in union with the Holy See, who shall not be less than 18 years of age on their last birthday. A practical Catholic is one who lives up to the Commandments of God and the Precepts of the Church. Application blanks are available from any member of the Knights of Columbus. Every Knight is happy to propose eligible Catholic men for consideration as members.

Acceptance of the applicant depends upon a vote of the members of the subordinate council in which he is making application.

All priests and religious brothers having duly made application for membership and participated in the ceremonials become honorary life members of the Order and are exempt from payment of dues.

Application for membership must be made through the council in the community nearest the applicant's place of residence. Interested prospects without a permanent domicile, such as men temporarily away from home through duty in the armed forces, may make application through their hometown council or at the nearest council on a military base.

If favorably voted upon, the applicant becomes a member by initiation in what is known as the First Degree. He subsequently is advanced through the Second Degree and the Third Degree.

There are modest initiation fees and dues set by subordinate councils under regulations established by the Supreme Council. The insurance privileges are available to all members who can qualify, which represent an important advantage of membership. For men in every walk of life the name of the Knights of Columbus engenders the image of a united organization, efficiently going about its tasks of charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism and defense of the priesthood. It is composed of men who are giving unselfishly of their time and talents in the service of God and their country.

Membership in the Knights of Columbus provides the opportunity for wholesome association with congenial companions who are, first of all, practical Catholic gentlemen. It offers the opportunity for fellowship with those who are of the same belief, who recognize the same duty to God, to family and to neighbor and who stand side by side in defense of those beliefs. Programs are so organized as to appeal to the individual interest of the members. Through many constructive activities of Christian fraternity, members are enabled to render service to their Church, their country and their fellowman. Through membership they develop a consciousness of their ability to lead and to assist.

Organized Columbianism, united behind the individual Knight of Columbus, provides the power of an intelligent, alert body of Catholic men - a strength which the individual by himself cannot achieve.

Knights of Columbus have a proud heritage. The qualified Catholic man can share in that heritage and build for an even greater future by affiliating himself with this forceful, effective body.

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Aims of the Order

The aim of the founder, Father Michael J. McGivney, was to set up a parish-based lay organization that offered insurance benefits, specifically:

  1. To help Catholic men remain steadfast in their faith through mutual encouragement;
  2. To promote closer ties of fraternity among them; and
  3. To set up an elementary system of insurance so that the widows and children of members in the group who might die would not find themselves in dire financial straits.

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Enrollment Contact

The Council Chancellor is responsible for bringing in new members and ensuring they get through all degrees of the Order. The current chancellor is Mr. Douglas G. Fehrer and he can be reached:

  • by email at  N/A
  • by telephone at   N/A

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Fr. Francis J. Diamond Council #6292
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