The Top Four The Advisors The Money Men The Worker Bees Programs
Grand Knight [President] Preside over all council meetings and functions Represent the council at the Parish, District and State Levels Deputy Grand Knight [Vice President] Take over for Grand Knight in his absence Monitor all programs and prepare reports on those programs as Program Manager Chancellor Membership - bringing in new members and ensuring they get through all degrees of the Order Vocations - promote Religious life Warden [Master at Arms] Responsible for all degree supplies and the setup of the chamber for those degrees Setup the chamber for all meetings and cleanup afterwards Ensure food and beverages are provided for all events
Trustees Audit the council financial and membership records Advise the Grand Knight Advocate [Parliamentarian] Responsible for ensuring that all of Robert's Rules of Order and Supreme and Council By-Laws are followed and kept up to date Represent the interests of the council during any legal actions Lecturer Responsible for education of the members via guest speakers
Treasurer Receive, Track and Disperse all funds of the council Invest and report on those funds Financial Secretary Ensure all funds are properly accounted for Ensure all membership documents and dues are in order
Recorder [Recording Secretary] Records all proceedings at meetings Ensures that all motions, and their disposition, are recorded properly Guards Assist Warden in all his duties before, during and after meetings Ensure all persons entering the chamber have the appropriate level of credentials
Charity Approves all charitable expenditures and donations and other charitable activities Church Handles all religious oriented activities Community Interacts with the community Council Council / fraternal activities Family Family oriented activities Youth Young people oriented activities