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![]() Antique Car Show: The council serves hot dogs and soda at the City of Fairfax Antique Car Show, part of the City's Heritage Week celebration, as a fund raiser. POC: Antique Car Show Event Leader, . Bowling: Starting in January, the Council sponsors a half season mixed bowling league. POC: Council Program Director, or Bowling Team Event Leader, . Business Meetings: Held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month starting at 8:00 P.M. The council officers meet on the first Tuesday of each month. The exceptions are July, August, and December when only one meeting is held. POC: Grand Knight, Mr. James T. Hogan. Christmas Cards: (aka "Keep Christ in Christmas") The council sells religious theme Christmas cards after masses. POC: Keep Christ in Christmas Event Leader, . Christmas Food Baskets: During December, members of the parish drop off food and gifts for the poor at the Christmas Tree Lot. The Knights and SLSM members then sort through the food and make up packages of food and gifts for each family. The Council provides gift cards per family. On the Sunday before Christmas, the Council delivers these packages. POC: Charity Committee Chairman, . Christmas Party: On the first or second Saturday in December, the Council hosts a traditional Christmas Party for Knights and their wives. POC: Council Program Director, Christmas Trees: This is probably one of the Council's biggest moneymakers and most popular activity. The council operates a tree lot next to the school from the Sunday after Thanksgiving until about December 22 or whenever all the trees are sold. Members are assigned to a team, whose captain coordinates work schedules. Retired members work during the day. Other members work 6:00-9:00 P.M daily and three hour shifts (9AM - 9PM) on the weekends. Most Knights work 2-3 shifts at most. POC: Christmas Trees Event Leader, . Columbiettes: The Columbiettes are a ladies auxiliary to the Knights of Columbus. They meet on the third Tuesday of the month. The Columbiettes usually host a fall and spring social event for the council. The Columbiettes support the Fischer House. POC: Columbiette President, . Corporate Communion: Once per quarter, the council attends Mass as a corporate body to worship together. The mass is rotated to accommodate everyone's schedule. The Corporate Communion in November also serves as a Memorial Mass to pray for deceased brother Knights of the Council. There is usually a reception/picnic following Mass. POC: Church Program Director, . Crab Feast: The council hosts an old-fashioned, Maryland-style, all-you-can-eat, crab feast. POC: Council Program Director, . Cr�che Program: The council erects a cr�che in front of St. Leo's Church for the Christmas Season. On the Saturday after Thanksgiving, we host the Blessing and lighting followed by a reception in Providence Hall. POC: Church Program Director, Degree Team (1st): Not yet available. Easter Food Baskets: The council provides food gift certificates to designated needy families in the Parish community. POC: Charity Committee Chairman, . Easter Egg Hunt: This event is held after Sunday Masses on Easter Sunday and allows the children of the parish to hunt for eggs on the front lawn of the Church. POC: Youth Program Director, . Fairfax City Fall Festival: The council operates a beverage and bratwurst concession stand as a fund-raiser. POC: Fall Festival Event Leader, . Family Breakfasts: On the third Sunday of the month, the Council hosts a family breakfast in the Parish Activity Center. Knights may serve on either the Blue (even months) or Gold (odd months) Team, each headed by a Team Captain. Cooking experience is not required, as there are many jobs to perform. Many team members arrive about 7:00 A.M. to help set up and are finished around 11:30 a.m. The date can move depending on when special Holy Days occur. POC: Family Breakfast Event Leader, or Team Captain. Feed the Homeless: Project started by Mrs. Thelma Billy in 1995 after seeing homeless foraging for food in garbage cans near Lafayette Park. Provides home-cooked meals to the homeless living in the Center for Creative Non-Violence in Washington, DC on Wednesday afternoons. Feasts for about 500 people prepared for the Saturdays immediately preceding Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter holidays. Point of contact: Mr. George H. Billy. Fishing Trip: Not yet available. Food Collection: On the second and fourth Sundays of each month, Knights collect food (canned goods and other non-perishables) at each of the Masses over the weekend. The food is turned over to the St. Leo the Great Social Ministry (SLSM) who in turn distributes it to needy families in the area. You should be present in front of the church about 10 minutes before the Mass starts to receive the donations that are then taken to the SLSM Center in the Olde Parish Hall. Knights usually volunteer for one mass per month. POC: Community Program Director, . Fraternalism Night: Not yet available. Free-Throw Contest: As part of the Order's National Contest. Grand Knight's Ball: This semi-formal dinner dance is held at a local club. POC: Council Program Director, . KOVAR: KOVAR collects funds to assist people with intellectual disabilities, and is typically held during the third week in April. Knights blanket local stores to give away Tootsie Rolls. Recipients are free to make a donation. In 1996, and again in 1997, this council raised over $20,000, the largest amount in the state. This charity is the largest supporter of people with intellectual disabilities in the state of Virginia. POC: KOVAR Event Leader, . March for Life: Traditionally held on the 22nd of January (the anniversary of Roe v. Wade decision) or a weekday thereabout. The council participates in the march itself and collects donations along the March route to support the National Right to Life Organization. POC: Right-to-Life Event Leader, or . Night of Magic: The council hosts a Magic Show and Dinner for the members of the parish. POC: (Workers) Council Program Director, ; POC: (Magicians) Mr. Bernard "Bernie" M. Kowalski. Parish Picnic: The Council hosts the Parish Picnic on the grounds of our Hall. The Knights work serving food and drink to the parishioners. There are usually activities for the children. POC: Council Program Director, . Prayers before each Business Meeting: The council gathers as a group before each business meeting for either Mass, celebrated by the Council Chaplain, or to pray the Rosary. POC: Church Program Director, . Rosary at the Abortion Clinic: On the third Saturday of each month, Knights meet at 8:00 A.M. to pray the rosary at the corner of Route 123 (Ox Road) and Eaton Place - across from the Best Western. POC: Church Program Director, . Scholarship Program: The council offers two four-year scholarships of $500 per year and $250 per year to students planning to attend Catholic High Schools in the area. Scouting Breakfast: The council prepares a buffet-style breakfast for all Parish scouts and their families on Scouting Sunday. Special Olympics: Not yet available. Sporting Events: Not yet available. Steak Night: This is held on the 2nd business meeting in June and marks the end of the Fraternal Year. The outgoing Grand Knight buys the drinks. POC: Council Program Director, Thanksgiving Food Baskets: The SLSM provides the council a list of needy families in the parish. An individual Knight sponsors a family. That Knight in turn recruits additional Knights (usually another two) to help defray the costs of the food basket. The group usually provides the family a week's worth of non-perishable food. The council provides each family Food Gift Certificate to cover perishable items. Members of the council deliver the food the Saturday before Thanksgiving. POC: Charity Committee Chairman, . Visit with Santa: The council has made arrangements with St. Nick to appear at our Family Breakfast in December to talk with the children and to pose for pictures. POC: Youth Program Director, . |
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