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[ Father Francis J. Diamon Council Scrip Program ]

How does this program work?

Our council purchases gift cards or paper scrip from grocery stores at a set discount and we sell the scrip/cards at face value. People who purchase the scrip get their exact value at the store (i.e., $100 gets you $100 of groceries). These are extremely convenient to have in your wallet or purse and there is no "product" to purchase -- you can use the scrip with your cash or debit/credit card and any other coupons/discounts you have are unaffected -- they are like cash at the store. These make great gifts as well.

Who does this program benefit?

The Scrip Program is a fund raiser for all of the general charitable programs of Father Diamond Council #6292. In addition, a percentage of the profits are given directly to St. Leo the Great Catholic School.

What grocery stores are participating?
    • Format: Gift cards (like a credit card)

    • Amounts available: $50 and $100 cards
    • Note: No known expiration. Works like a debit card (can use partially - with balance on card)

    • Safeway
    • Format: Gift cards (like a credit card)

    • Amounts available: $50 and $100 cards
    • Note: No known expiration. Works like a debit card (can use partially - with balance on card)

Where can I pick up the scrip?

Scrip may be on hand at the following locations/times:
  • At the Knights of Columbus Family Breakfast
    After the 7:30 AM and 9:00 AM masses on the 3rd Sunday of each month
    These breakfasts are held at the Parish Activity Center across from the church.

  • At all regular Knights meetings
    Just contact a Knight you know in the parish and they can pick up for you.

  • Special Orders
    If you e-mail or call -- or send in an order, we will be glad to work with you to get the scrip to you or your group.
  • If scrip is not on hand or readily available, you may place an order with a Knight. This is actually preferable as we can plan to have your specific type of scrip in the denominations you prefer ready to give you. The earlier you order in advance the easier it is to plan and get enough scrip. So if you are getting ready for the week or month's shopping or are having a large function, please contact us. See below for ordering information.
How can I order scrip in advance?
  • E-mail to the following address: Tim Hogan (Best choice)
    You will receive an e-mailed confirmation.

  • Contact a Knight and he will call a member of the Scrip program committee

  • At all regular Knights meetings
    Just contact a Knight you know in the parish and they can place your order.

  • Mail an order to the following address:

      Scrip Program
      Knights of Columbus
      Father Francis J. Diamond Council (#6292)
      3702 Old Lee Highway
      Fairfax City, VA 22030

      PDF Order Form

  • Special Note: In ALL cases, please tell us the following information:
      - Total Amount of scrip you would like,
      - Which scrip you want (Giant/Safeway),
      - Amounts/numbers of each denomination (if it matters),
      - When you wish to pick up the scrip,
      - Please include contact information in case amounts are not available, etc.
Repeat/Regular Orders

We would like to remind you monthly about placing scrip Orders. If you would like to receive a telephone call, please email Tim Hogan with your telephone number and best time to call.

Rest assured that this is totally voluntary and would not be used for any other purposes (not even other Knights fund-raisers) and if you want to be removed, we will do so immediately upon your request.
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Fr. Francis J. Diamond Council #6292
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