Jan 25, 2013Instead of the normal date of the Roe v Wade decision anniversary, the 2013 March for Life will be Friday, January 25, 2013.
Collectors will gather in the St. Leo's Church main parking lot between 10 & 10:15 AM for a 10:30 bus departure. Donations toward bus costs are appreciated (suggested donation: $10).
The program begins at noon, followed by the March itself.
Fr. Diamond Council will be collecting donations to defray the costs of the March. Contact Mike Plumstead at mplumstead@verizon.net or 703-250-2367.
Mike needs names of those helping ASAP!
Money collected from the March for Life goes directly to the March For Life Fund, Inc. to recoup costs incurred administering the March.
If you cannot help at the March itself, help is needed around 2 PM counting March donations in Providence Hall.
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