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March For Life - help needed

Friday, January 22, 2016
Jan 22, 2016 The annual March for Life gets underway this year on Friday, January 22, 2015. The Virginia Knights offer support services as marshals to help with everything from crowd control to collecting money.

Father Diamond Council has collected money for the March since 1994. All the collected money goes to the March for Life Education and Defense Fund to help defray the cost of the March. We have been asked to help again in this effort and are looking for volunteers to collect money at the March and to count the money once it's returned to Providence Hall after the March.

We need your help because the more collectors we have the more money we collect. When we have over 20 collectors we are successful. Knight collectors line the March route and ask for donations.

Once again, we have made arrangements for bus service from St. Leo the Great into DC and back again, with a suggested donation of $10 per person to help offset the cost.

If you can volunteer or if you know someone who would be interested in helping (doesn't have to be a Knight) please email Mike Plumstead at mplumstead@verizon.net or give him a call at 703-250-2367

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